Nova Healthline
Nova Healthline is a subsidiary of Nova LifeStyle aimed to meet the growing demand of health improvement products. Through research and collaboration we have curated products that would improve our user’s daily wellbeing.
About 3H
3H is an innovative company with globally distributed products throughout SouthEast Asia and North America. Based in South Korea, they have developed certified medical devices that could easily be used in homes. For over 10 years they have researched how to combine traditional treatments with modern devices. Their products have been proven beneficial to those wanting to improve their healthy lifestyles.
Benefits of Far Infrared Rays
3H has registered patents in South Korea for bio-ceramic stones that retain and distribute heat evenly for long periods of time. Far Infrared Rays are non-harmful waves of energy that alleviates and warms strained areas of the body. The use of localized heat in painful areas has been scientifically proven to be effective. Both products are equipped with bio-ceramic stones that allows these beneficial rays to become absorbed properly.